Thursday, July 31, 2008

my night went disaster...!!

lastnyte,i went to this birthday party..with my love,abg charm and his lalenx..
well,firstly it went well but lastly it went jadi disaster..due to my mom texted me and ask me to go home.. seriously,how can i go home cause the thingy had just started...SH*TT!!

then start tia scene i really dislike*crying*... i felt sorry to abg charm and anna because of me durang pun paksa balik... i don't how to say sorry but i did say sorry to anna and asked her to tell abg charm sorry jua..WAAAA!!! im really sorrry so soorryyyy....

*please forgive me*

To my sayang~
im sorry about lastnight about the stupid TEXT yang text nabyl..
im sorry~~~