Tuesday, February 24, 2009

orang marah

Ak Abd Rahman marahh....
Sygku marahhh....

i <3 u

Suka membebeeellllll.....
Suka marahh marahhh...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Efahhh...i edit

Efah you want me to blog kan after i edit.. ahaha..its kinda funny tho,cause i have no idea on how to match this brush with which one...it turned to be messed up,but heyy.. i tried my best already,still beginner of using those brushes.. ehehehe....please guide me more ok~

efahh yg "bulat-bulat for dreaming" atu i no have..huuhuu... =( so i made it up,make a circle mcm inda ngam pulangg...
well,this is my first edit im still new

ahaha..2nd of my edit,its our picture...
lawa or bida? hmmm.....*wink

Efah,don't laugh on my edited atu ahhh... if you laugh,marah mommy jua nie..
btw,thanks efah for the guide tadi, aimee berabis babal tadi ahh..

love love...


i don't know how is it possible qays broke the table.. Woahh!!! ganass waa....but seriously,don't trust qays to hold or anything with your stuff, he's dangerous..... any thing which is perfect,ada2 saja kan dirosakkn nya... maybe he hates to see stuff which is perfect kalii.. ahahhaha... (sorry qays) i blog this about you.. but wake up wake up qays,that's a bad habit..no good,nanti mommy marahh..ehehe..
see how pity is the table,belubang tarus oleh qays..

try to say sorry to the table,but you just wounded his heart i mean the table -_-"
you better watch out qays,silap2 the table came to your dream... eheheheh

Thursday, February 12, 2009

my type....

Top of the list

: Chinese look

: smart in clothes
: messy but smart hair

: game freak ( as me )
: fine skin

: older than me

: manja
: suka nyamal

: dislike what i like
: suka "membebel" when i drive

: always worried when im not home
: good listener
: "cubit" my lips if i swear
: to be continues

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

i LOVE who???

i love whooo....???


ahahhahaa *aimee boreng*

during PS

kaka meera jahat arah wafiy...then~

wafiy pun jahat arah kaka meera.. ahahha!!!
bah adang adang, aimee kawinkn karang..

guess who behind those bags.....
orang menyamall...bidaaaaa!!!!


i know this topic kinda bored but heyy aimee lagi bored,,like no idea lagi.. gawdddd..!!!
i need something to blog so i just blog something yang ada dalam gallery my phone..
cute kaliiiieeeee....

hope kaka meera suka tengok ini..ehehe..
love you all..

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Shout out!!

you don't want me to call you kaka meera??? but why??? lawa jua tueee... hehehe....

KAKA MEEEEEERAAAAAA........!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hahah siuk bully orang ani eyh.....

love youuuu....