Saturday, February 14, 2009

Efahhh...i edit

Efah you want me to blog kan after i edit.. ahaha..its kinda funny tho,cause i have no idea on how to match this brush with which turned to be messed up,but heyy.. i tried my best already,still beginner of using those brushes.. ehehehe....please guide me more ok~

efahh yg "bulat-bulat for dreaming" atu i no have..huuhuu... =( so i made it up,make a circle mcm inda ngam pulangg...
well,this is my first edit im still new

ahaha..2nd of my edit,its our picture...
lawa or bida? hmmm.....*wink

Efah,don't laugh on my edited atu ahhh... if you laugh,marah mommy jua nie..
btw,thanks efah for the guide tadi, aimee berabis babal tadi ahh..

love love...