Hi readers ( just saying hi even i know *maybe* no one would read my blog) except for kaka.. She always read my blog and cares about me.. (thanks ka for always been there for me through my ups and down) i know,,i kinda stole that line from tenten but its pretty simple but details..
My story of today kinda simple too, nothing interesting as my days always been busy with kids and drama at home and also a lil bit drama between me you too.. so,nahh.. don't wanna talk about it much lahh,just a tiny information would be better..
SOoo, morning i went to school and as usual gave oral to my students.. I was really really worried and nervous since ka dyla told me maybe there's people would melawat to our school and do their things as you know macam nazir kan check check how's the school.. I already clean up my class just abit of moving things from here to there and there to here.. lalla...!! so onn... and then, as i finished.. i continued gave them oral..*SIGH* I'm bored of giving them oral like everyday, some of them really good at reading but some pouvre.. haihh!! yatah bari malas tue,but never give up.. haha!! always using that quote..
Anyways....stop talking about that and lets skip to break.. Time durang makan,i was bored kan makan nada jua mau...so i took some picture of them.. haha!! and Yeah!! if pasal begambar,iski berabis durang... adakah,time makan pun masih pose.. especially my sweet yana,this girl maybe ter-stuck sudah sama aimee.. cause time tadi, i think time english spelling kali.. this girl yana,ya nda mau join durang the rest spell the number bah..then when i asked her (only), ya inda tejawap kan.. then i said to her.. nahh,yana inda mau eja kan yatah inda tau atu.. then aimee manisi like itu inilah still ya inda mau.. so,i didn't layan her at all.. when the time i ask them to spell and write it on a paper..the rest tau eja kan but her inda.. cause you would know why.. then aimee marah lahh..i said "bah ehh,teacher beranti saja keraja eyhh,yana sama jua inda peduli cakap teacher.." yatah udah atu..tarus she went macam "IHH!! INDA WA..!!" she started to cry.. so i comfort her tarus.. she hugged me macam tight berabis..then ya macam cakap( kinda whisper) "yana inda mau teacher beranti" sudah aimee dengar catu, i suddenly macam ter-nangis sikit.. macam kesian bunyinya.. bepikir ku tarus what if aimee banar2 kan beranti ahh... haihh..!! i don't know eyhh..
This is the girl that i meant..
Hmm...i should stop typing now since macam panjang sudah ceritaku ani.. haha!! sorry readers.. i know,cerita ku ani bosan.. but heyy...its my blog...haha!!
ok..it's picture time..
HAHAH!! jangan inda galat..pandai durang ani begaya..
Ok Ok... i need to eat now..im starve.. au revoir..
Ok Ok... i need to eat now..im starve.. au revoir..