Wednesday, January 6, 2010


6th JANUARY,,what do i have early morning tadi... i went to school early around 640am cause its my duty to buka pintu sekolah.. and voilaa.... wowww...!! awal banar aimee dtg skolah,there's one student awal datang and they have to wait diluar pagar(dlm kereta plg tue) cause pintu alum bebuka.. haha!! awal banar that kid dtg,pukul brapakah i dont know.. then i had to rush kedalam and welcome the sutdent..cute danish iski kan skolah.. -.-" if aimee.. haihh..macam malas rasanya..

In class,i only have 5 students today..yg lain absent..alaahhh.. inda complete lagi my student ani..but at least easy for me to control them..hehe!! =) During oral reading,my students macam malas kan baca...hmm,like always and one of them asked me.. "baca lagi kah teacher?" and i replied,"awu baca lagi..last one nie" and she said.. haihh,alamakk... and i was like.. whaaattt?? grigitan rasaku, macammm..OMYGOD!! cute banar ya cakap catu.. i know plg durang malas kan baca cause durang mostly tau the story sudah but i need to drill durang lagi... hmm..panjang tia nah cetaku.. haha!!

and and guess what... the same student yesterday,aim aimee lagi.. ada aimee ceta kah..? well,he held my both wrists so tight and bawa aimee lari2.. i was so scared cause he's the one yang gauk berabis and suka tumbuk2 and stuff.. im afraid ya tumbuk aimee lagi and early,he asked me to act like orang mati..pasal ia timbak aimee.. whaattt..??? lain2 bah mainan nya ahh.. i ran tarus belakang dyla and she saved me from him.. gilaaaa ganassss wa tue.. i cant handle him..scary meehh... LOL..

ok ok..i need to sleep now.. its 11 plus sudah.. hmm.. do i really need to mention the time..?? hahah!! i guess not.. owhh well.. -.-"